author blog

Book Quotes Made inspirational Quotes

Book Quotes Made inspirational Quotes

My book Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey was published in 2022 and made its rounds on amazon, in bookstores, and in my local library/ area. I have gotten decent feedback on it even though it was rough as a self published book with several formatting errors and an inability to fix without starting from scratch.

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Things I Am Working On

Things I Am Working On

In 2022 I released my memoir and ever since I have been plague with a love hate relationship with it. The love— omg I committed and did it! The hate— why am I such trash, look at the typos and errors!

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Let Me Read You My Story

Let Me Read You My Story

As many of you know I am hard at work on my first non-fiction memoir. Let me entice you with the blurb from the back.

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My Book is on the Move

My Book is on the Move

After I published my book, I decided to donate a copy to my local library, mostly because why not and also I had just started working there and it seemed like a fun idea. So into circulation it went, and a new article was written and eventually it founds it way checked out.

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