
For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

Photographers are always on, even when a camera is not affixed in our hand we are seeing, we see the light simmer on clear water, fall through the clouds, and dust the forest path illuminating vegetation for animal life. Light is our greatest friend and in some cases especially when creating a photograph our greatest enemy.

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Hard Things as an Entrepreneur

Hard Things as an Entrepreneur

I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work…

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Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work…

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Seeing is Everything

Seeing is Everything

Photographers are always on, even when a camera is not affixed in our hand we are seeing, we see the light simmer on clear water, fall through the clouds, and dust the forest path illuminating vegetation for animal life. Light is our greatest friend and in some cases especially when creating a photograph our greatest enemy.

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CELEBRATE: A Christmas Thrill Show

CELEBRATE: A Christmas Thrill Show

Back around the end of September I was contacted about possibly creating a poster and some graphics for a Christmas Equestrian Thrill Show in Kansas. The show would feature stunts on horseback, aerialist, a living nativity, and incorporate the magic of the Christmas season— my job would be to get that all across in a bright and festive image.

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