landscape photographer

Basic Things About Professional Photographers

Basic Things About Professional Photographers

I watched a video a while back about No BS photography advice and many of the things said really spoke to me. Especially because I have made many of the same connections in my 13 years as a photographer myself.

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Rare Sunrise in Alaska

My blog post last week pair an old edit from Alaska 2019 vs a 2024 edit. In that spirit I was looking through my RAW images reliving my Alaskan experience when I stumbled on the elusive Alaskan Sunrise images I took. In May of 2019 I took an Alaskan cruise and cloudy was the forecast 99% of the time while there but one very, very early morning I got lucky.

The morning we were sailing into Glacier Bay, I was the crazy photographer dragging on multiple layers, climbing to the upper decks and making my way to the bow to photograph the landscape. Also the Park Rangers that would be joining our ship to guide us through the Bay.

Being one of the very, very few passengers up that early I really had my run of the ship and got to witness an Alaskan Sunrise. Check out one of those rare images below that was re-edited in 2024.

For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

Photographers are always on, even when a camera is not affixed in our hand we are seeing, we see the light simmer on clear water, fall through the clouds, and dust the forest path illuminating vegetation for animal life. Light is our greatest friend and in some cases especially when creating a photograph our greatest enemy.

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Editing Travel Pictures for Wall Art

Editing Travel Pictures for Wall Art

In 2019, I went on an Alaskan cruise and got a beautiful photograph when in Glacier Bay of a glacier. Such a beautiful shot that my parents decided they wanted it to be wall art in their new home. Which is always the ultimate compliment unless it comes with an exception…

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Seeing is Everything

Seeing is Everything

Photographers are always on, even when a camera is not affixed in our hand we are seeing, we see the light simmer on clear water, fall through the clouds, and dust the forest path illuminating vegetation for animal life. Light is our greatest friend and in some cases especially when creating a photograph our greatest enemy.

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Recap of 2020

Recap of 2020

Starting off the New Year by looking back at last year or the year of a train wreck however you’d like to think of 2020.

I am not going to hyper focus on Covid, how it hurt and effected my business and life in general because we all felt/ and are feeling its effects in some way or another. Honestly, I want to come into 2021 with a focus on what I took away form last year, what I learned and what I accomplished.

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