
Dogwood Tree Flowers

Dogwood Tree Flowers

It is no secret I find relaxation in taking flower photos. I do it for the sheer joy and simplicity because so much of my photography career is fast paced, low light, action events. And I need a destressor so flowers and a camera/ iPhone camera will do it for me often.

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Winter 2022 Photos

Winter 2022 Photos

As an Ohio residence we have been getting snow, snow, snow and ice as well. In fact so much ice the trees limbs chimed and then oh so many crashed to the ground cutting power out to a lot of people. I was fortunate enough to have a half charged camera battery and enough boredom in me to trek out and see what kind of Winter photos I could get.

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Spring Flora

Spring Flora

If there is one thing I love after winter it is when all the flora starts coming into bloom. I live for the change of season, for the new growth, and the beauty.

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