Hopes for the New Year

2021 has definitely been a struggle. Not in terms of business expenses and making it. In fact even with a far lighter schedule then I am use to my business was solidly in the black after attending 5 events.

I could have done absolutely nothing more all year and my expenses to operate this business website, galleries, editing software, and phone where covered with some to spare. Which honestly is the dream and does not happen every year. It truly is a testament to event goers support that helped me hit such goals in such a quick time. Truly without their support I can not do what I do.

But mentally this year has been a challenge, a lot of that is the burn out and fallout of 2020 combine with the betrayal of someone I once thought of as a friend. Mentally this year rocked my world and I truly do not want to do it again.

My hopes for the New Year is to be in a more mental happy place which god willing should be smoother after carefully releasing those mental drains early in 2021 and dealing with their fallout.

I am hoping this year to start getting more photo shoots and working toward goals I had made in 2019 that 2020 robbed me of. I see a bright future and I am ready to work to get there.

I hope to see my memoir published and would love to see people enjoy it but with anything I did it first and foremost for me and to publish it will be success on its own. I also hope to get back to traveling with dreams of seeing friends I haven’t seen in 10 years as well as a little photography jaunt to Scotland perhaps!

There are endless possibilities and I can only hope 2022 brings good fortune to me and you!