world traveler

Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Welcome to the blog post the brings you another look into my book, another sneak peek into my work in progress Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey.

I really don’t have a build up for this post, it discusses the building of my network and friendship that have made my career a reality. I am just going to let the excerpt speak for itself.

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A Look into Chapter Three

A Look into Chapter Three

Last month gave a taste of where Chapter Two was headed and this month I want to introduce a preview of Chapter Three which focuses on the 107 day journey abroad and living on a ship participating in one of the most unique and amazing travel abroad programs out there.

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Why Rodeo Photography Makes you a Better Photographer

Why Rodeo Photography Makes you a Better Photographer

Finally, why I believe Rodeo Photography can make you a better photographer.

I have practiced in many different genre’s looking for my niche and yes, for a time it is safe to say Rodeo is one of my niches. I threw myself into the challenge of learning it and becoming as good at it as I possible could be

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