coming soon

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

We rang in 2022 and hopefully it brings about change, and peace that have been absent since 2020.

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Sneak Peek #10

Sneak Peek #10

Another month has gone by and I have made, more and more progress on my book. For those who follow this blog then you have seen that I hired an editor, that the manuscript has come back to me and that I am now in final revisions and laying out the book.

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Back from the Editor

Back from the Editor

Back at the end of August I wrote a blog on hiring an editor for my book which was as daunting as it seems because there are many freelance editors in the world. Find a good one, but also one that fits within my personal budget could have been a struggle.

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Book Teaser Video 2

Book Teaser Video 2


Enjoy a new book teaser video with randoms works of Exposure One Studios that may or may not find their way into print!

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Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Welcome to the blog post the brings you another look into my book, another sneak peek into my work in progress Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey.

I really don’t have a build up for this post, it discusses the building of my network and friendship that have made my career a reality. I am just going to let the excerpt speak for itself.

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Writing a Book

Writing a Book

I had too honor the purpose of the image and thus began the multi- year project — as it’s a memoir I found writing my thoughts and stories down prior to starting the writing process to be essential rather than just sitting with a blank document begging the words to come.

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