
Magic Mansion Marketing Images & Public Tours

Magic Mansion Marketing Images & Public Tours

A while back I had the pleasure to see some of my images from a couple years ago finally go live. I am pleased to share with you all the link to the Evanswood Magic Mansion in Pigeon Forge, TN. Featured on the website and in the marketing video are some of the images I created for Terry!

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Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #4

Welcome to the blog post the brings you another look into my book, another sneak peek into my work in progress Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey.

I really don’t have a build up for this post, it discusses the building of my network and friendship that have made my career a reality. I am just going to let the excerpt speak for itself.

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Magic Marketing Images

Magic Marketing Images

The other day I had the pleasure to see some of my images from a couple years back final go live. I am pleased to share with you all the linked the Evanswood Magic Mansion in Pigeon Forge, TN…

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Photographing Liberty

Photographing Liberty

It isn’t often that I get the opportunity in the equine photography business to photograph a Liberty performer. At the 2nd Annual Pass the Torch Leadership Camp we had the pleasure to bring in Karla June Switzer who helped teach the kids and performed in the rain during the final show on Sunday June 28th.

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