A Look into Chapter Three

If you have caught on at the beginning of the month I am releasing little excerpts from the book I am currently writing. So far it is safe to say you will get a sneak peek through August and if I can kick myself into gear writing wise then possibly sneak peeks all the way through to December. Literally no promises though.

Last month gave a taste of where Chapter Two was headed and this month I want to introduce a preview of Chapter Three which focuses on the 107 day journey abroad and living on a ship participating in one of the most unique and amazing travel abroad programs out there. It was one of the most significant moments of my life and I was incredibly blessed to have gotten the opportunity to travel the way I have.

Enjoy my sneak peek.

Semester at Sea is a very different program than most study abroad, we live, work, and study alongside of university staff, professors and ship crew. We are at once emerged but not emerged in a culture as the ship forms a culture of its own.

We have the opportunity to learn new languages, cultivate world wide friendships, and meet people in all different aspects of life. There were business men, diplomats, activists, life long learners, former Big Apple Circus clown, and aspiring world changers just on the ship we called home. In country would be an entirely different story as to what we were exposed to and what we would learn, but on the ship there was a plethora of opportunities and a huge support system that grew daily.

The friendships and community cultivated by Semester at Sea are something that remain stable throughout the years, students I befriended on the first day but couldn’t recall their name for like a week are people I talk to regularly every week. Andy and Emily were among my first friends, my roommate not withstanding and they are still sources of support years later though we live so far apart.

That is what Semester at Sea is fundamentally; a program that opens up our world view and allows us to cultivate lasting friendships. It is also the opportunity to grow, learn from some of the best, and even start our own ventures.
— Chapter Three: The World and a Boat... Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey, Tiffany Bumgardner