Carwash Photoshoot & Beer Posters

It feel great to get out and have the time to do some creative shoots. Of course these resulted from my recent knee injury which has made it hard for me to travel and having to reschedule other sessions up north. However while I am saddened I didn’t get to make my trip, I adore the photos I was able to create back here at home.

My sister came to me wanting to make a beer poster for the tiktok trend and honestly I was down. One because I am competitive and when I saw examples I knew I could make something bomb. Second because it sounded like a bunch of fun and a chance to exercise some creativity.

Added to that she wanted to try a carwash photoshoot which was fun and hilarious at the same time. Not because the poses were goofy honestly they were meant to be sexy but because she drives a jeep and the concrete in the car wash is slant down to the drain and the hood of the jeep slants down. Anyways we struggled hardcore to keep her on the car and not fall off on her face.

We ended up relocating to her house to park on an incline to get the shots. And while the look of the carwash was cool there is something to be said for Skys and big beautiful trees. Check out the posters and some carwash photos below.

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