belmont county

Recap of 2020

Recap of 2020

Starting off the New Year by looking back at last year or the year of a train wreck however you’d like to think of 2020.

I am not going to hyper focus on Covid, how it hurt and effected my business and life in general because we all felt/ and are feeling its effects in some way or another. Honestly, I want to come into 2021 with a focus on what I took away form last year, what I learned and what I accomplished.

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Chasing Rainbows- Iphone Photography 2020

Chasing Rainbows- Iphone Photography 2020

The end of 2019 came in a blur or work, family, lack of sleep, and sunshine with rain?

Yeah confusing, I know I was there and still can’t recall it, but I am glad 2019 is over. Though it gave a beautiful last photography opportunity before its departure…

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First Local Billboard

First Local Billboard

As a photographer, especially delving more into the commercial side of things seeing my work on a billboard isn't actually a first for me.  In fact periodically through the years my work has been purchased or commissioned for that purpose

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