The Most Valuable Resource as a Photographer

The decision to turn photography from a passion into a full time career usually comes down to a photographer needing more of the most valued aspect of photography… Time.

Time is a photographers most valuable resource, because time is what is necessary to be in the right place to make an image, to be somewhere when the lighting is at its best and something that working around a regular 9-5 is difficult. While you are learning time isn’t necessarily the most valuable resource, it is only when you reach that professional status that you realize how valuable time is.

Once the realization sets in is usually when the plotting and planning and number crunching and calculating happens to figure out how to make photography a full time career so you can better utilize the time in your day. Now sure photographers will say they went full time for financial freedom, to be their own boss, because they were too busy to maintain a regular job but at the end of the day the real truth for the vast majority is they need the time they were devoting to activities that were not photography.

More time equals being in more scenic locations at the opportune moment to make one of the kind captures. It means being able to grow, advanced, and develop without the stress of working around another schedule. It means more freedom to be the creative you dream of being which is why Time is our most valuable resource.