
Not So Surprising Fact About Me

Not So Surprising Fact About Me

So as many of you know I wrote a book. I mean that isn’t even a surprise with all the early TikTok marketing I did with it earlier this year. But if you missed all of that and follow this blog there is something that may surprise you…

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Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it. That is until last year and my addiction to Kindle Unlimited and since becoming a Goodreads Author!

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Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it.

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Favorite Reads

Favorite Reads

I can not be photography every minute of every day 24/7. To survive I have to have hobbies and passions outside of this art I love. For me one of those hobbies is reading, I love words, and stories be they fiction or true.

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Photography Moods

Photography Moods

Photography while very much an art can definitely depend on the photographers mood. Many times our moods are reflected in our work or in our inability to work…..

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