photographer thoughts

I Am Not Infallible

I Am Not Infallible

I am not infallible as a human, a business person, or a photographer.

They say life is a journey, and it is. One that is is full of great moments, successes, failures, ups and downs. Perfection is an ideal we want to achieve but should and is always just out of reach.

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I am not infallible as a human, a business person, or a photographer.

They say life is a journey, and it is. One that is is full of great moments, successes, failures, ups and downs. Perfection is an ideal we want to achieve but should and is always just out of reach.

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Photographer Thoughts

Photographer Thoughts

Sometimes I have a stream of conscious thought I put into my notes app while out and about for this blog and then forget about and rediscover later. A long while back we had a Harvest Moon and my social media blew up with everyone taking moon pictures. That time I didn’t lift the camera to the sky because I just wanted to enjoy it however there have been other days when I have taken full moon pictures. It never hurts to just present and enjoy the moment without a camera and social sharing.

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