Engagement 2023

It is no secret that after 2020 I decided to reshape my business and photograph things I particularly enjoy more than others. I guess you could say I am niching after a decade of refusing to do so even if I still consider myself a freelance photographer.

One of the things on the chopping block of services was weddings/engagements. Mostly because while I found the odd wedding fun to photograph for the challenge and different creative atmosphere I have never particularly connected with the lovey-dovey high emotions sessions. While not directly uncomfortable I just felt a lack of creative brain shooting them and had to rely on research for ideas about how to make the images clients were seeking.

It made sense to me to walk away from a genre that wasn’t a big draw for me. But I still will photograph them for the right clients. And this year as one of my good friends getting engaged and married. I could have easily agreed to be a bridesmaid and had she asked I would have even if being in the wedding is something I would not of enjoyed at all.

Instead I offered to be her photographer to which she accepted and so last month we got together to take some engagement pictures. The criteria was she doesn’t really love overly posed shots— which I 100% get— so my aim was a lot of motion oriented cues to create images. Her soon to be husband was great at taking direction and saying or doing things that provoke picture worthy responses.

Check out a few or my favorites from their session below.