
Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Most photographers are always on. I am no different, even when I am not holding a camera and actively shooting, I am aware of the light, of compositions, of what would be photo worthy.

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Love Yourself

Love Yourself

As a woman and a photographer I know how hard it is to love our bodies all the time. We have wrinkles, rolls, and even gray hairs that just make us wish we had something other. Boudoir is a chance to see how beautiful you are as you are, to build confidence and truly see your body as others do.

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Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

While I wish I would have had my professional grade camera on hand, I hadn't actively planned on shooting anything particular. It was more of a visit my aunt, and grab some food outing- photo taking wasn't even on my mind!

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Exposure One Studios captures all those important moments and details of your wedding day. From engagement photos, to full coverage wedding day with after sessions and bridal sessions!

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Rain and Roses

Rain and Roses

…I having been at home during said storm system decided what better time to play with a little cell phone photography than to pop outside in the middle of a storm and photograph the rose bushes….

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Creative Portraits

Creative Portraits

I have been missing my clients, missing the shoots that have been canceled, and I have been worried about the dream that is Exposure One Studios. 2020 has been hard on all photographers…

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