miniature australian shepherds

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Most photographers are always on. I am no different, even when I am not holding a camera and actively shooting, I am aware of the light, of compositions, of what would be photo worthy.

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Fall Photos

Fall Photos

Fall is one of my favorites. Not for the cooling weather, dampness, or precursor to winter and holidays but for the sheer colors that come into existence.

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Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

While I wish I would have had my professional grade camera on hand, I hadn't actively planned on shooting anything particular. It was more of a visit my aunt, and grab some food outing- photo taking wasn't even on my mind!

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Never Stop Shooting

Never Stop Shooting

While I wish I would have had my professional grade camera on hand, I hadn't actively planned on shooting anything particular. It was more of a visit my aunt, and grab some food outing- photo taking wasn't even on my mind!

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