Unplanned, and Unfinished

The future really is unplanned and constantly evolving; having set in stone plans is difficult because so much happens that is out of our control. We have plans for ourselves and yet they can change when our network grows and presents new and exciting opportunities.

I am very blessed with a diverse network of highly ambitious achievers who are constantly pushing me out of my comfort zones. Whether it be shooting a rodeo with no experience, or photographing a summer camp with the purpose of developing the next generation of performers. Leap out of those comfort zones. They are holding you back.

Let yourself grow with your network, let yourself be challenged. It’s okay if you fail, just don’t be afraid to try. I could have given up after the first disaster of a rodeo I photographed, but I pushed harder than ever to become better. Today, I travel around the country photographing performers, I make things I once admired, and I would never wish to just be the portrait photographer I thought I was going to be a decade ago.

I couldn’t predict the path I would take on this journey, similarly, you can’t predict your own path. No two journeys are the same, just as no two photographs are the same. Embrace your style, grow your network, and say yes to things that scare you. In the end it is worth it, whether you fail or succeed, at least you tried.

Excerpt from Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey by Tiffany Bumgardner

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