chapter two

Niching Yes or No

Niching Yes or No

So many photographers and blogs online preach the need to find your niche in photography, to specialize, specialize, specialize! But they fail to mention that niching is a process, that you won’t necessarily love the first type of photography you practice.

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Sneak Preview #2

Sneak Preview #2

My first share was a basic out take from my thoughts more than anything personal so for the second sneak peek I wanted to bring you into my sneaky photographer side when I was learning. Enjoy an excerpt from chapter two on taking great chances and a bit about my second ever photography class.

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Niching Yes or No?

Niching Yes or No?

So many photographers and blogs online preach the need to find your niche in photography, to specialize, specialize, specialize! But they fail to mention that niching is a process, that you won’t necessarily love the first type of photography you practice.

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