Be the Change, Make the Change

Everywhere in the world you can read negative stories or you can read positive ones. It is all on how you see the world, a positive person see's all the good, and a negative see's all the bad.

You can change your perspective and see more good. 

You can actively start making the changes to be that good that others see, hold doors, help a neighbor, assist even when not asked, smile at some, or even just be polite even when the day just doesn't seem to go your way.

A friend of mine recent adopted a german shepherd whom he nursed into good health after his former owner neglected his needs. He is a former police dog, and a service dog. He has health problems but now is in a loving home, with an animal lover and a pre-veteraniary medicine student. 

Meet Rocco, his new owner Shadow, and his new siblings Miles and Dozer.
