theater photographer

Struggling to Stay Creative

Struggling to Stay Creative

As a 25 year artist, 13 year professional photographer I can attest that there are times when the struggle to stay creative is hard and the lure of financial stability beckons hard. I have struggled to generate profits, and I have dealt with he guilt of potentially walking away from my passion for a steady income and normal job. There is no right answer but no matter the choice you make to stay creative you will always be an artist.

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Atypical Theater and Performance Photographer

Atypical Theater and Performance Photographer

I was recently reading an article on theater photography and what makes one a great theater photographer. Turns out that a lot of photographers who practice theater shooting tend to shoot dress rehearsals and post the scene to capture it and that is how the beautiful well light shots that gloss billboards and such come to be.

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Photographers Hard Truths

Photographers Hard Truths

Every professional photographer I know has said at least once that they can take and do take bad images. That bad images are just a part of being a photographer. That we will miss shots, or mess up shots and what we do with that experience is what makes us professionals.

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Harrison Central Presents "Grease"

Harrison Central Presents "Grease"

Back toward the end of March Harrison Central put on their production of Grease and I was again in attendance with the camera. Check out My favorite images and the gallery below.

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Photographers PSA

Photographers PSA

Every professional photographer I know has said at least once that they can take and do take bad images. That bad images are just a part of being a photographer. That we will miss shots, or mess up shots and what we do with that experience is what makes us professionals.

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Performance Marketing Photography

Performance Marketing Photography

To those who know me, it is no secret I have spent a lot of my professional career as a rodeo photographer. Those long nights in rodeo pens, covered in sweat and dust is where I learned to be a better photographer in terrible light situations. It is where I learned to stop action capturing, panning, artistic shots vs photojournalistic and so much more.

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