fall 2012

I was a Photographers Assistant on Semester At Sea

I was a Photographers Assistant on Semester At Sea

I sometimes forget that my first experience shooting for a university wasn’t my home university where I received my degree but rather for Semester at Sea through the University of Virginia— at that time, they have moved universities since.

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From Paul

From Paul

One of the coolest things as a photographer is befriending other photographers. Especially the vastly more experienced, better established, and more accomplished ones who are kind, mentoring, and willing to sign their books for you.

I am a lucky little bunny. I have meant many such photographers but one who stands out in my mind is Paul Liebhardt who I am a die hard fan of his travel photography and hope one day to reach that level of work.

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Words from Paul Liebhardt

Words from Paul Liebhardt

One of the coolest things as a photographer is befriending other photographers. Especially the vastly more experienced, better established, and more accomplished ones who are kind, mentoring, and willing to sign their books for you.

I am a lucky little bunny. I have meant many such photographers but one who stands out in my mind is Paul Liebhardt who I am a die hard fan of his travel photography and hope one day to reach that level of work.

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Words from Paul

Words from Paul

One of the coolest things as a photographer is befriending other photographers. Especially the vastly more experienced, better established, and more accomplished ones who are kind, mentoring, and willing to sign their books for you.

I am a lucky little bunny. I have meant many such photographers but one who stands out in my mind is Paul Liebhardt who I am a die hard fan of his travel photography and hope one day to reach that level of work.

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