
Terrible Excuses for Stealing

Terrible Excuses for Stealing

There are never any excuses for stealing from anyone. That is a long story short. There should never be excuses to give to photographers when you are caught violating our copyrights. Watermark, no watermarks, online, or sent to you. If you do not have the proper license, if you have not paid for it, then you do not have any rights to use it.

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Terrible Reasons To Steal

Terrible Reasons To Steal

There are never any excuses for stealing from anyone. That is a long story short. There should never be excuses to give to photographers when they are caught violating our copyrights. Watermark, no watermarks, online, or sent to you. If you do not have the proper license, if you have not paid for it, then you do not have any rights to use it.

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Lessons of Friendship: Is It Real or Not?

Lessons of Friendship: Is It Real or Not?

Sometimes in my own head it feels like I purposely set up a friendship to fail. In some ways I definitely did, I can take ownership of that because the friend did exactly as I anticipated, and knowing that part of me feels responsible for helping push the wheel in motion. But they say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I had to push this wheel to confirm what I knew was already true. That our friendship had been over for awhile and I was simply being used because I didn’t want to end something I put so much of myself into.

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Worst Excuses for Stealing

Worst Excuses for Stealing

There are never any excuses for stealing from anyone. That is a long story short. There should never be excuses to give to photographers when you are caught violating our copyrights. Watermark, no watermarks, online, or sent to you. If you do not have the proper license, if you have not paid for it, then you do not have any rights to use it.

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