
Photographer Self Portraits

Photographer Self Portraits

It isn’t often that jump in front of the camera or take selfies for that matter. Perhaps it is the one flaw of being a photographer, I do not inherently enjoy being in front of the lens but I am getting better at it.

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Seeing Like A Photographer

Seeing Like A Photographer

Developing a photographic eye is one of the coolest aspects of photography. Yet it is strange because while we can be standing side by side with someone what they see is different from what we see.

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Seeing like a Photographer

Seeing like a Photographer

Developing a photographic eye is one of the coolest aspects of photography. Yet it is strange because while we can be standing side by side with someone what they see is different from what we see.

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Photographer’s watch for scammers

Photographer’s watch for scammers

It is that time of year when new email inquiries start hitting mailboxes. Offering exciting things like shooting for a fashion magazine or even booking a wedding.

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What is Commercial Photography Usage?

What is Commercial Photography Usage?

In my experience a lack of education and basic understanding seem to be a huge part of the issue when it comes to what is and what is not commercial photography usage. This isn’t just limited to the basic population, but businesses, and professionals seem to have a lack of understanding what commercial is and means.

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Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire

On Halloween I was invited to a friends photoshoot. She is just getting into photography and had a concept she wanted to try but wasn’t confident she could execute. This shoot involved fire, books, and a model and with those elements can prove tricky when you are learning.

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