photography advice

Beginners Photography Equipment

Beginners Photography Equipment

As a beginner starting out the first thing you do is run to research what equipment you need to get started because you know that you need more than just a camera. To be a photographer requires more gear than the simple camera no matter how much we often wish it didn’t.

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Be Willing to Learn

Be Willing to Learn

I was having a discussion with a family member about attitudes of teenager and a parent in the horsing world. This conversation revolved around this person thinking they know everything there is to know and if there is a problem they automatically blame their equine partner. They are simply put unwilling to admit a lack of knowledge and seek help from those who may know.

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Shoot Through the Photo

Shoot Through the Photo

But there is one thing I heard recently that struck a cord… Not because I didn’t know it… But because I have inherently done it from the time I touched a camera. It came intrinsically to me yet to others it may not.

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The Reality of Being A Freelance Photographer

The Reality of Being A Freelance Photographer

I have spent a decade working as a photographer, I have poured myself into learning cameras and editing softwares, into growing the technical side of my skills to match the easy talent I have for capture. I have let it consume my free time, my work time, and dreaming time.

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Quote I love

Quote I love

Sometimes even professionals need inspiration and advice. We often turn to other professionals many of whom are generous with their knowledge and now create videos and talks that offer advice to those in the field.

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Important Photography Acronyms

Important Photography Acronyms

Like any field, photography is ripe with acronyms for equipment and acronyms that are brand specific as well. Because nothing makes it more challenging than not being universal and of course hard to follow for those entering the field.

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