learning photography

Important Photography Acronyms

Important Photography Acronyms

Like any field, photography is ripe with acronyms for equipment and acronyms that are brand specific as well. Because nothing makes it more challenging than not being universal and of course hard to follow for those entering the field.

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Trying A New Thing

Trying A New Thing

A good friend of mine mentioned something about potential doing some blog posts that offer critiques as a learning opportunity for photographers. At first, I was like there is no way I can do that no one would care!— In the back of my head I was like ‘I am not a professional!’ You know that age old imposter syndrome rearing its ugly head. But then I stopped myself and asked why not?

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Understanding Photography Acronyms

Understanding Photography Acronyms

Like any field photography is ripe with acronyms for equipment and acronyms that are brand specific as well. Because nothing makes it more challenging than not being universal and of course hard to follow for those entering the field.

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