
Hard Things as an Entrepreneur

Hard Things as an Entrepreneur

I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work…

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Black Friday/ Small Business Saturday Sales!

Black Friday/ Small Business Saturday Sales!

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Day! Coming into the holiday season Exposure One Studios is going to be offering a limited time Black Friday/ Small Business Saturday 2023 Booking Sale.

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Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work…

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The Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

The Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work…

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