Things I Am Working On

In 2022 I released my memoir and ever since I have been plague with a love hate relationship with it. The love— omg I committed and did it! The hate— why am I such trash, look at the typos and errors!

So like here’s the thing, I self published which means formatting errors are entirely on me and it was sadly just being to close to the margins when laying it out. To my eye sight it looked fine but at print somethings were not fine. The typo’s and such were not entirely unexpected even having people look it over and hiring an editor there is a lot of room for human error and things to be missed— I don’t have the team or the budget the traditional publishing house have so naturally there potential for a lot of errors is rather high.

At first I really thought I would be able to suck it up and deal rather than republish my book. But here’s the truth my inner perfectionist is crying and tearing down my mental walls demanding we fix it. And for my sanity I really want too but something corrupted my files and wiped my program along with all the layouts, icons, images, every nuance that made up the book and took me a year to do.

I still have my original final draft but it would take me months and months to redo it the same way or better. And I just do not have it in me mentally to do it.

So if you have purchased the first edition thank you and please understand I am not as entirely dimwitted as the typos and formatting errors make me look. I was operating on a very tight budget and my mind tricked me into autocorrecting with out correcting all the actual problems.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor as well.