barrel racers

Belmont County Saddle Club

Belmont County Saddle Club

I love horse show time of year. I get to go spend hours in the sunlight, looking and petting pretty ponies, hanging out with horse friends and taking some awesome equine action shots. Basically the moments I dream about when I am stuck in the office doing edits. bookings, invoicing, contracts, etc.

This year with everything reopening I have been getting a lot of dates and show bills sent to me with request which is awesome. So like a rational and sane person I went and tore my meniscus (I think— still waiting for it to be medically verified). Anyways things that we don’t get being self-employed is the time to take time off from busy season not when a year prior was cancelled.

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Summer Horseshow Series

Summer Horseshow Series

…I am also planning to do more portraiture and several more equine events. Which kicked off with he benefit barrel race in May, but now show season is upon us with multiple shows a week. I am mentoring those wanting to learn action photography at some of the shows as well as doing my own shooting.

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Photographing at Shenandoah Valley Riding Club

Photographing at Shenandoah Valley Riding Club

Shenandoah was a great fun little evening bringing me dust, the humidity and condensation along with lighting being so much better than I remember. I am immensely grateful for the show participants who have supported me by purchasing especially in such a difficult year both mentally and financially for many…

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