Graphic Design Packages

As my career in photography progressed I started to teach myself more and more with photoshop which devolved into making posters and logos and learning graphic design. Now it wasn’t just because my love of the arts and of creation but because becoming good in those areas was going to be a huge, monumentally have financial life savor to my business.

Graphic design is expensive. Graphic design is hard. Making all the elements come together so that it is a compelling logo, a compelling composition but also has all the necessary information isn’t easy. That is what makes it expensive because it is far more than pressing a button. Good graphic designers aren’t cheap.

As a business owner I wanted my own marketing to be professional but I was on a budget so if I already owned the programs why not learn to push my limits. I am a self taught photographer and so I became a self taught graphic designer. My skills to me are invaluable even if I do mostly work in photography related graphic design. Which naturally lead to the creation of Graphic Design Packages.


The Entrepreneur- $1500 (50% paid upfront)

2 Revisions| Logo Design| Brochure Design| Social Media graphic (Facebook Cover| Profile Logo)| Social Media Ad (Facebook| Twitter| Instagram | Holiday Special Graphic| Customer Appreciation Graphic| Business Card Design (Front & back)

Revamp Package: $750 (50% upfront)

Logo| Business Card Design (Front & Back)| Social Media Ads |Facebook| Twitter| Instagram|

Package best suited to businesses with an established practice wanting to switch up logo’d branding.

Graphic As You Need Them: Prices Vary by the hour $50.

Logo| Flyers| Posters| Book Covers| All other designs|

Perfect for those who only need smaller scale graphic design request. All items are charged by the hour or by complexity of designs.

Branding photoshoots can be added at all levels. Those prices vary in complexity of shoot needs.

I work with a lot of clients. A lot of them are in the equine field and my work is becoming ground breaking in pushing the game of how equine performers market themselves. Many of these packages are done with clients just getting started on their business journey.

I have made many logos for those just in the planning stages of their businesses. It is uniquely powerful feeling to make something that someone will use to build their professional identity around. I thrive getting to help others realize their dreams and that is what graphic design has become to me.

For any and everyone needing graphic design please reach out with the contact form below.

Fire On Black.jpg