A Snapshot of Phoenix

As a photographer sometimes we have slow months, it is just a reality of the trade, there will be times where we have nothing going on and nothing coming in. For me 2025 didn’t say hey there is no work to start out, in fact I actually had a really great January and February scheduled.

So what happened?

Weather and illness happened. For the first time in a very long time we have had a pretty snowy and icy winter with low temps that are no conducive outdoor photography or equine photography. Added to the weather I had the misfortune of getting pretty sick twice making it hard for me to find the energy to get out of bed let alone run my business.

And that is a reality as a photographer bad weather, illness… we do not get paid. There are no paid sick days or vacation days for us. That is why the hustle is so important because when we feasting we are preparing for famine so we can weather that storm until it is time to feast again.

However just because of bad weather and dying of illness doesn’t mean I didn’t make any photos. My fur baby, Phoenix, got to be a lucky model one day when he was asking for attention and I liked the light play around. So I made a snapshot of the moment with my iPhone 14 Pro.

I appreciate that my camera dodging fur baby actually let me get a good shot off before he rolled his eyes and ambled off so I could take no more images of him. Most days he isn’t impressed by me with any of my cameras— I imagine this is how toddlers with photographer mommies are honestly.

I hope you enjoy the regal snap of Phoenix and may this March bring back the photography sessions the first two months of the year couldn’t provide.