This summer is already shaping up to have several horse shows, potential travel to Tennessee (for fun), and maybe Virginia/D.C. For both photography and maybe a mini vacation.
With that being said I am scheduling out my year fairly quickly in advance.
This summer is already shaping up to have several horse shows, potential travel to Texas, and maybe Virginia. For both photography and maybe a mini book tour.
With that being said I am scheduling out my year fairly quickly in advance.
Equine photographers are slowly becoming a thing of the past and it is largely due to the thought that any image belongs to the rider and horse when it is not true. Photographers see constant theft but it is important to know the photographer owns the image, even if you find it on google there is a good chance it is copy righted and not public domain.
I embraced the beast that is Instagram in July of 2016 roughly towards the end of the month to be honest. I am still learning things, still growing a following but more importantly I am sharing photos on it more regularly than previous favorite social sites.