Why Photographers Will Not Give You Raw Files

In my professional career I have been asked for the Raw files several times. Sometimes by regular clients, many, many times by corporate clients, and a few times by professional performer clients. For most photographers handing off our raw files is a huge and absolute no— for me though it depends on the client, purpose, and of course whether they are willing to pay a large fee for the raw files.

In the simplest terms Raw Files are what is considered a photographic negative in this modern world and are exclusive owned by the creator of the image. We can manipulate, edit, and sell at our discretion because we own it.

When you ask for the raw files you are asking for our property and many photographers will never sell those away. It is a rare day when I, myself, will negotiate a deal in which the client gets the raws in the package. Usually it involves a lot of paperwork, and the selling of my copyright which is not something I take lightly or is something that comes cheaply.

Yes, photographers are aware that clients have access to the same software and many times think that it would be cheaper and easier for them to edit their own photos but that simply isn’t true. Raw’s will cost you many times over the session fee to obtain.

When you are hiring a photographer you are hiring them for the end products you have seen. That includes their editing skills. The prices you are being charged includes edited images that are ready for print, social media, and digital sharing.

Most photographers are defensive of their raw images and many find asking for the files to be rude. After all you are hiring a photographer for their skills and based off of a portfolio of work you viewed and liked. Trust the photographer to take and create the images you want, and respect that they are giving you a good deal on their images. Or expect to pay very high premiums to gain access to their raw files.