My First Renaissance Festival

The second to last weekend of September with a group of friends I traveled into Pittsburgh, PA to attend my first Renaissance Festival. The group was varied from two newbies to a couple more seasoned faire goers, which meant a few were dressed up and the rest weren’t

I fell in the not dressed up category which given the heat the day was fine with me!

On our arrival after obtaining a map of the grounds as it was everyones first time to the PA faire we plotted out a course of events we’d like to see for the day. As a professional photographer, I did take make travel bag set up because this was going to be an entirely new experience and something new to try my hand at photographically. As an equine photographer with experience in rodeo and contest horse shows, I was particularly excited to take in the jousting/ mounted skills exhibition— which incidentally was the event we made our way too!

The arena was set with skills apparatuses on both sides which kicked my day off trying to decide where would be the best place to put myself for shots. I was standing by the arena, just a few feet off the rail on the right side and truthfully it wasn’t the ideal spot having witnessed the production. It worked for somethings and not for others— honestly missed the freedom of running around inside the arena and dodging cantering horses for the shots!

Anyways, while a challenge trying to make shots of something I had never witnessed before and dealing with the angle and location I chose, I can say I got a few shots I am proud of, some I like, and overall I am happy with my first attempt.

Check the joust shots out below!