equibe photographer

Photographers DO Not Give You Raw Files

 Photographers DO Not Give You Raw Files

In my professional career I have been asked for the Raw files several times. Sometimes by regular clients, many, many times by corporate clients, and a few times by professional performer clients. For most photographers handing off our raw files is a huge and absolute no— for me though it depends on the client, purpose, and of course whether they are willing to pay a large fee for the raw files.

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Why Photographers Will Not Give You Raw Files

Why Photographers Will Not Give You Raw Files

In my professional career I have been asked for the Raw files several times. Sometimes by regular clients, many, many times by corporate clients, and a few times by professional performer clients. For most photographers handing off our raw files is a huge and absolute no— for me though it depends on the client, purpose, and of course whether they are willing to pay a large fee for the raw files.

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