raw files

Photographers DO Not Give You Raw Files

 Photographers DO Not Give You Raw Files

In my professional career I have been asked for the Raw files several times. Sometimes by regular clients, many, many times by corporate clients, and a few times by professional performer clients. For most photographers handing off our raw files is a huge and absolute no— for me though it depends on the client, purpose, and of course whether they are willing to pay a large fee for the raw files.

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RAWs Are Not For Sale

RAWs Are Not For Sale

It’s on the rise, it’s the other dreaded question photographers hate being asked because the answer is going to make you mad, and it’s going to low key insult the photographer.

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Why Photographers Will Not Give You Raw Files

Why Photographers Will Not Give You Raw Files

In my professional career I have been asked for the Raw files several times. Sometimes by regular clients, many, many times by corporate clients, and a few times by professional performer clients. For most photographers handing off our raw files is a huge and absolute no— for me though it depends on the client, purpose, and of course whether they are willing to pay a large fee for the raw files.

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Sorry, No RAW Files for You

Sorry, No RAW Files for You

It’s on the rise, it’s the another dreaded question photographers hate being asked because the answer is going to make you mad, and it’s going to low key insult the photographer.

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