So when I woke up today… November 6th for all of us reading because sadly I do work on my blog posts in advanced! So when I woke Novermber 6th it was with the intent to over haul a lot of my website information, social media information and so on. I did get through a lot of what I wanted to do such as transparent pricing!
Ok so transparent pricing is listing my prices for various packages on my website. For several years I didn’t in order to gain inquiries but as I have grown I like my clients want to know what price range the professional I am looking at charges because I don’t want to insult them or waste their time. So it made sense to list my prices on my website, hopefully this becomes a good thing right? Fingers crossed!
But beyond that I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in away is sell myself and work. But so often I want my work to speak for itself and draw people in and the truth is it only does part of the work, I have to do the rest.
Sad but true reality for the half of me that is introverted and just hates to be that annoying person. Dislike it though I may I did suck it up and write a new summary which I am proud of, it highlights who I am and how my journey began.
Take a read!
“I love creating visually compelling imagery for clients for personal or marketing use— sometimes both! But I seriously am not a fan of selling myself, my words don’t do the same justice my images and graphics do. So I am going to break myself down a bit here for you.
1.) I have spent a decade as a professional rodeo photographer; which has pulled me into more of the industry than I imagined when I started. Rodeo has opened doors into the performance and equine world for me creating contacts that have provided me opportunities to photograph at the Dolly Stampede, create marketing content for a Magician, as well as signage, bill boards, flyers, posters, graphics and more for the entertainers, contractors, for expos and many other entities.
2.) I am a social media junkie in most ways. I am a highly visual person, I follow trends and identify what works with visual imagery. Designing a social media ad is as fun as photoshoots for me.
3.) I started a photography business by accident really. I was always a fine artist— drawing and painting through school, my high school art teacher put a camera back into my hands for art class and I became addicted to photography again. My freshman year of college I did headshots for my roommate, who wanted to be an actor, those images got attention for a director filming ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’ and she landed an extra role in the film— she has screen time it is super awesome! That kick started my business in photography, as well as my journey to learning and growing as a photographer.
4.) I devote a lot of time to charities, specifically finding ways to use my talents with photography and design. I have teamed with a talented equestrian performer for the last 10 years raising funds for charity and even granting wish enhancements for the Make A Wish Foundation— locally our fund raising efforts have raised over $150,000 which for a rural small town area is fantastic.
5.) I love the creative sphere and using my talents to make others joyous. Nothing is more fulfilling than realizing others visual dreams and being the one to bring them to life— those are my favorite moments when clients share their dreams with me and how I succeeded expectations.
6.) I love what I do, it is my passion, and honestly I do so much for charity and individuals in need I do practically work for free. I just want to be able to use my passions and skills everyday whether for my business or a job I love.