I have heard other professional photographers constantly give advice some good and some confusing. Lets face I as a professional photographer give advice, this blog, my book, in person, I have put my thoughts and what has worked for me into the universe.
But there is one thing I heard recently that struck a cord… Not because I didn’t know it… But because I have inherently done it from the time I touched a camera. It came intrinsically to me yet to others it may not.
Shoot through the subject.
There it is. A very simple statement that is amazing advice if you do it. See a lot of photographers know what shot they want and when they get it they move on. Shoot through the subject means keep shooting because shot 5 may have been in but 200 will be even better.
Another photographer described it as good to national geographic level. Nat geo photographers have talked about their processes and how it took hours to days to make a single amazing image but the reality is us regular photographers do not have hours and days to make a shot.
What we do have is digital cameras and the ability to shoot as many shots as necessary to go from making a good image to a great one. Sure editing will take a little longer but its worth it in the end.
Shoot Through The Subject
I took a 1000 images during this session in a sunflower field, I could have stopped I had a lot of great images yet I pushed on and this image happened because I chose to shoot through the subject.