More Pre-made Book Covers For Sale

In May I started offering pre-made book covers for sale. These are graphics I have created for authors in an affordable range with a combination of stock photography and digital art.

I have a good friend who is an author and suggest I try my hand at this and it is a fun stress reliever. I researched and while there are tried and true sites to sell, I am very attached the this website I have created. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into making this site mine and to work for the vastness of my business. So I wanted to make sure I could offer my news product exclusively through me and my website.

So I created a new page under my BOOKS tab : Premade Book Covers & Books By Tiffany.

Books By Tiffany are exclusively books I have written, or photo books I have for sale. This page as links and brief summaries of my written works.

Premade Book Covers is my new official home for any covers I have made. Covers in which the titles and authors can be adjusted and are ready to go for print in a few minutes processing and e-deliver time than months of days for authors on a budget.

These covers are still available!