How Exposure One Studios Was Named

I often get calls from potential clients wanting to know where my studio is located and they are always shocked when I tell them I do not have a permanent studio nor location. Developing a business name is tricky sometimes in that we want it to convey what our business is, but express our ideals, and be personal to us as well.

Exposure One Studios fits the criteria for me well. But adding studios to the end wasn’t always in the plans.

In 2012 when I was traveling abroad I was bouncing around the idea of making a real go of my business, of dropping TB Photography which was my first business name for something more fitting and more me. That’s when Exposure One came to me, from a question a friend asked me about how I knew my favorite shot.

In photography we call a shot or image an exposure. For me more often than not the first exposure I take is ultimately my favorite. Thus Exposure One was born. I would hem and haw for about four more years on the rest of my name before I made it official.

However in that time I would begin to branch out from photography and offer other services. Such as graphic design. That’s when studios came to me. Not because studios is typically thought of as a location but because studios is encompassing.

It is more than photography, it allows me to be a brand in and of myself. I am a photographer and offer photography, as well as graphic design, branding, and now I am even an author. Exposure One Studios represents me in away I didn’t foresee in 2012, but it is more than a location with backdrops and props.