My Memoir is Published!

As of February 1st 2022 my Memoir Glass Eyes a Photographers Journey was uploaded for publication and submitted to the Global Market Place. After many months of planning, a year of writing and editing this project and chapter has come to a close.

Now I am not about to say I am not anxious that I just put an entire written work into the world because I truly am. I am perhaps more anxious than with any of my previous photo-books because those were photo heavy with very little writing. I know at this point even with an editor, fresh eye readers, and of course revisions and corrections there are still going to be errors. That is something I have decide I have to live with because even in Traditionally published books there are typos, errors, and even formatting issues. It is just a fact of life.

However that being said I am proud of myself for finishing this book. As a child I had dreamed of being an author though I never imagined I would start with a nonfiction memoir. I am usually a starter more than a finisher so I was shocked at how this process went for me, I secretly never expected to finish it and yet now that I have I am more nervous about having anyone read it!

That being said I am still waiting to see how the global market place works, where my book will land and will provide links when I know. Currently I do know Barnes and Noble & Amazon has picked the listing up so if you are wanting to grab a copy right now hit the link below.