Sexy- Intimate-Confidence Boosting

At the end of 2019 I was considering retiring from rodeo photography, 2020 ultimately helped make that decision for me by cancelling everything and while 2021 had events reopening I found I was not enthused to hit the rodeo dirt. I was ready for a new chapter, a new challenge, to find a new love in the photography field.

Problem is I am not sure what that new love is, I have been blessed to continue to be included in the equine community shooting horse shows and those great folks have helped make sure that my business can endure another year. It’s given me time to pursue my book, and mull around where I plan to take the photography.

Today, I have ideas about what I would like to see happen but am not quite ready to speak that idea into the universe. But I am definitely hoping to bring, sexy, intimate, and confidence boosting photography to the areas I serve.
