Finding Errors in My Book

The truth of the matter is there isn’t a single book published that has been perfect. Even the great classics are known for wild errors, a wrong word, typos, misprints and even formatting errors. As much as I wish my memoir could have been perfect the truth is I am human, my editor is human, my proof readers are human and my book is not perfect.

I does have some typing errors from missed words, or letters to missed spacing and connecting words not meant to be connected. Those are relatively minor and expected.

However on page 37 I accidentally typed the wrong date of Spring 2011 instead of Spring 2012.

And then the big one. The dreaded formatting fail, it wasn’t a duplicate paragraph or line spacing error but rather a page layout failure where it cuts the final words of a sentence off leaving the reader to wonder what I meant to say.

This formatting error occurs on page 89 in the final paragraph. Cutting off a slightly vital group of words in a sentence that should say ‘I either stayed out of it or remained polite and then did my work, and proceeded to release every image un-watermarked and for free.’

While it may have been my deepest dream to publish a perfect book I knew it was going to be an up hill climb. Self publishing is no small feat, and having the book released and available on multiple retailers in the world market means I can no longer make changes so these errors are here to stay.

Please forgive them, and me. I tried my best to catch everything. Please write in the missing text and hopefully if I ever write another book I will have fewer errors than I have discovered thus far which is 6 errors in 50,000 words. One being a pretty significant formatting error.