Transparent Pricing

One of the irksome things of photography is photographers hiding their prices. I mean we all know why “we” do it, to get potential clients to contact us because it might result in a booking. But is this the best method? Not every inquiry is the right client for us, so now they wasted time reaching out and we wasted time responding back to a client who isn’t a fit for whatever reasons.

There is a better way! Transparent pricing!

I started with transparent pricing several years ago because I was tired of the hide prices method. I wanted anyone viewing my website and services to know what I charged. That way they could determine if my services fit their budget, if they needed to save, and further it saved the hassle of wasting both our time.

So essentially in my packages each and every service I offer equally displays what I charge for that service. However there is one area were it is price to be determined and that is commercial services. Those are usually complex and have a lot of moving parts so transparent method doesn’t work.