Rodeo Photos

I often talk about my history as a rodeo photographer but I rarely share those images and I honestly haven’t attended a rodeo since 2019 when that season ended and a pandemic began. At the end of that 2019 season, I was prepared and ready to partially step back from rodeo so I had the time to try something new.

However, 2020 kicked that step back into what is shaping up to be full-on retirement from rodeo photography. I may still shoot one here or there as my sister competes but the idea of trucking to rodeos constantly doesn’t hold the appeal it once did. I still love the sport and the participants; I have just moved on to a new chapter of my own journey.

After ten years shooting rodeos check out a very small selection of my rodeo shots! Many more images can be viewed in my book Moments of Rodeo released in 2019.