Trick of the Trade

In photography photographers get an intense urge to buy and own gear. A lot of it can definitely be attributed to the new toy thirst, some for the ability to grow, and others because it brings perceived status.

Gear in photography is important. But it isn’t the top of the line cameras that make the photographers. The trick of the trade is that our glass aka lenses are what make and break our images. Not that lenses are the most important thing to photographers because it is our clients and our creativity that are the most important lenses are just the most important physical equipment.

Lenses truly enable us to work to the best of our abilities. They allow us to create in bad lighting conditions, as well as expand our sight range. The true investment we should make in our photography is not in owning multiple camera bodies because they released something new but in owning the lenses that. enable us to create the images we dream of.

Spend your money on glass and learn your cameras with the lenses you attach. Equipment doesn’t make the photographer but rather the work, practice, and images we create do.

Just a limited amount of time remaining to save on the 24-70 mm canon lens this December. Don’t miss a change to save. Click the link below.