The Year of Horse Shows

2020 started out nearly all booked and was slated to be one of my best years to date with a variety of client shoots and events ranging from performances to rodeo. Then you toss Covid into the mix and yep that all died heavily in like one week leaving me to wonder what was really going to happen.

I don’t want to spend much time hashing out client and event cancellations because I have been talking about it to death in person and this blog. We all know what this year brought.

So the question was could my business survive, what could I do to be financially sound, and what will the future look like. I still often wonder on the future question obviously things are changing and what use to be plans I wanted to see happen in five years maybe pushed even further off.

What I do know photography currently amongst all the closures and cancellations can not support me so I have taken on a search for a full time job to go with the part time position I worked in conjunction with my photography prior to covid. I deeply hope that one day the photography gets back to where it was or becomes even better, in the short months that I have been able to get out and do some random shooting I have had great success.

In fact those random events have been horse shows and I am deeply thankful for the participants and their continued support. In a deep state of hopelessness a few months ago I was ready to close the business, locked down this full time position and become normal like my family has prayed since I was born probably. But after attending and shooting a few equine events I was blown away by their support which stabilized my business to the point I can survive the losses of this year.

I honestly wish I knew what the future held and where I am headed, I know photography will be a part of it whether it returns to a hobby or I find away to get it to full time like I have dreamed. I do know the support of the equestrians has been inspiring and they will always be a demographic I seek to see through my camera lens.

Enjoy a few photos from my August 21st Show in Shenandoah.