The Reelin Rogues

During my time at the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival, I got to take in a musical group called The Reelin Rogues. Which is a high energy Celtic music group that took the stage when my group and I were on a mission to get ice cream.

I only took in perhaps two of their songs before we were off to take in our final show of the day which was clear across the groups of the festival. But in true let’s be a stubborn photographer fashion, I was eating an ice cream cone and trying to shoot this musical act with one hand.

Now if you have photography experience you are nodding your head going yeah you have been there and wondering what equipment I was using so…. let me set the scene. I am standing at least 10 yards back from the stage closer to the food stands really, a cone in my left hand and my dominant hand still curled around my DSLR canon camera with a 70-200 mm canon us III lens. For those who know you usually want to hands on the set up when shooting because of handheld shake just from weight.

With an ice cream cone in one hand there was no ability for two handed shooting but are you a photographer if you can’t multi-task? I can shoot with a full set and and holding an umbrella because I have learned the tricks after lots of trial and error! So while I was eating I used my left forearm as a brace to rest the lens for single hand shooting. It enabled me to grab some shots lower the camera, eat, and continue.

Because we were just passing through I have less shots of this group than others from the day but their high energy lead singer captured my attention in the brief moments we were there. Check out the shots of The Reelin Rogues below!