What Makes A Professional Photographer?

In the past this didn’t use to be a question. It was generally understood that a photographer was someone wealthy enough to own a camera and make photographs. But as the world changed and cameras became so easily accessible we carry them in our pockets every day the question arose; What makes a professional photographer?

The answer is not: everyone is a photographer because they have a camera and take pictures.

The answer is much more expansive. The invention of the camera phone has put a camera in everyone’s hands but just because everyone has a camera doesn’t make them proficient in the art of photography, there are more skills than carrying a camera involved in being a professional photographer.

The most important trait of a professional photographer is awareness. Any one can make a photograph but it takes a professional who has dedicated themselves to learning their gear, watching the play of light, and reading scenes to capture moments the average person will miss. The professional is always on and paying attention for the shot, they always have a camera available to them, and they are aware of how to make an image in event the most challenging of situations that can arise at any moment. Their jobs are the make the shot, not hope, and then shrug it off if they don’t.

A professional photographer is also invested in gear but not hung up on it. Gear is an important tool in photography it helps make the final product but it is merely a tool. The professional photographer doesn’t need the most expensive set up in the world to do their job well. No, they need mastery of their gear, they need to know what it can do in every situation, how each lens performers, what their focal distances can be, what lighting they can get the best shots with each lens, and most importantly how to set their cameras to achieve the images they are after. This takes years of learning and practice, it is why photographers tend to be brand snobs because once you invest in a set up it, a brand and start learning it switching feels like cutting off your arm and learning to do everything with a less dominant hand.

Professional photographers are also invested in the quality of their images, they are looking to produce the best product they can because this is their livelihood and poor quality means they are going to struggle for clients, and sales. Quality is more than just getting clients and sales, it is also our reputation, the better out images, the more our reputation grows and the more potential work we will get because when you hire a photographer you are looking to hire the best photographer based on the look, feel, and quality of their work.

And finally a professional is dedicated to the event they are hired for. They aren’t there to socialize, or enjoy themselves, they are there to work. Their entire focus is going to be on making sure they capture the images and moments they were hired for, whereas the average person is usually there as an invitee and busy socializing, eating, and enjoying themselves and taking snapshots as they go. With the professional you know they are there to do a job first.

The value of professional photographers is definitely something undervalued in our society today. You can see it in the job bids for companies looking to hire professional photographers to make images to marketing their company’s. They know they need great looking images to capture the attention of the masses but they undervalue the very people who make that and try to get it free for exposure or as cheaply as possible instead of recognizing the investment it is.

This trait isn’t isolated to companies but the average person forgoes hiring a professional photographer to capture weddings, portraits, etc because they have a camera phone and can “do” as well themselves. And while they can make a nice image, they are taking away from the experience for themselves, they are missing moments, and their images may never be the quality a professional could deliver.

While professional photographers are a more expensive option to hire, think of the time they have invested to learn their craft, the money they have invested to have professional gear to help them achieve high quality images, and remember they are a professional completely dedicated to capturing your event, not there to participate.