A Decade Since I Traveled with Semester At Sea

A Decade Since I Traveled with Semester At Sea

It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since I lived and completed that program. Traveled to 10+ countries and got to be a nomad of a sort. I miss it, I miss the travel, the locations, the photography, and the freedom.

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Reminiscing About Semester At Sea

Reminiscing About Semester At Sea

As a college student a dream of mine had been to study abroad. My challenge was selecting the where, which I struggled with long and hard until Semester at Sea came on my radar. It was a semester long program on a cruise ship traveling the world!

Yep, that’s right multiple countries!

My dream come true, and in Fall of 2012 I embarked on that travel adventure, I made many friends, learned a lot about myself and photography (I was a photographers assistant on-board!)

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What's in my Travel Camera Pack?

What's in my Travel Camera Pack?

Over the years I have racked up a lot of international travel as well as national travel. Packing my camera equipment has become a sort of art for me, especially as my equipment has expanded and evolved with time.

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